Start hiring from us

Open an account with Clements and start hiring plant today!
Opening a trade account is simple and easy. To set up and open an account with Clements, download and complete the application form on this page. We pride ourselves on offering a fast and efficient service that starts before you become a customer. Hiring plant from us is simple and straight forward, enabling you to get on with the job.
Our Account Opening Pledge ensures that if you provide us with all of the applicable information, then we will set your account up for you within 60 minutes!*
*Please note that this is only available during Clements Plant and Access Hire account dept opening hours which are Mon-Fri 9am-5pm excl Bank Holidays & statutory holidays.
Please be aware that in using our services you will be subject to the Terms & Conditions of the Construction Plant-hire Association. For a copy of the terms, please click CPA Model Conditions